The Search for Volcano Island

Scene Check: Taghazout

Life Through a Lens


Making Weight

with Director James Dayton

Process Journal

Lab Report: Gelatin Labs
Faced with dissatisfaction from the film labs they were using, Doug and Ben Krueger began taking matters into their own hands. The father and son duo purchased a few pieces of equipment and started processing and scanning their own film, all from the confinement of their basement.
Modern Analog
There aren’t many labs still around today that have seen both the heyday of film as well as its demise, only to be left standing through it all. picturehouse + thesmalldarkroom is one of those places, a staple in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan for over 25 years. They are now ushering in a new era of interest in the analog medium, positioning itself to cater to both the working professional as well as the avid enthusiast. They are a hybrid of sorts, blending traditional darkroom techniques with modern workflows and service.
Humble Beginnings
Last Good Film Lab is a fresh take on a timeless service. It started in founding partner Vixxion’s kitchen, where he tested and refined his home developing technique for several years before connecting with fellow creators JMP and Mike Koziel to open a proper lab in the heart of Hollywood in the fall of 2020.